Tuesday 5 April 2011

Time Please!

Apologies for the lack of blog updates lately – spare time has been somewhat absent, but all for good reasons ……
The healthy eating thing (I hate the word “diet”!) I told you all about back in January is starting to really notice.   I’ve now lost 17lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes and have had some kind of exercise epiphany:  maybe it’s all the fish I’m eating that’s making me so agile in the swimming pool!  Also loving my weekly yoga session – and it’s certainly not for wimps ........
( .. and yes, I can ....!)

My home study is thoroughly enjoyable too:  I’ve now submitted 2 assignments – the first one passed with really positive feedback and I’m fairly hopeful of a similar result for #2 (I should know by the end of this week). 
The first assignment was basic human physiology and anatomy.  It’s amazing what our bodies do to protect us and keep us functioning – complex machines doesn’t even come close!  Assignment 2 concentrated on the digestive system and how we process our food:  not exactly lunch time reading but certainly eye-opening nonetheless!
The Better Half is introducing me to the pleasures of The Lake District later this month.  Walking boots and comfy socks have been purchased and I am looking forward to attacking The Old Man Of Coniston and a few beers to celebrate my mountaineering achievement afterwards!
Yes, life’s busy but good.  I can almost feel the long, hot Summer days just around the corner .........