Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Exercise Epiphany

So when did THAT happen? 

One minute, there I am sitting in front of the tellybox 7 nights a week slowly getting wider.  Then without prior warning I’m thrust into a world of doing stuff!

Stuff!  Me!  Swimming, weights, walking, Yoga, Zumba, dancing  ….. even hula hooping – and I have to say I absolutely love it and feel so much better for it too.

Of course, the exercise means I can still eat and drink the occasional naughty thing too.  Yes, visualising a large glass of red wine or two really helps you to move through the pool and notch up those feel-good points in the calorie bank:  although, obviously don’t drink the wine in the pool as it would only dilute it, and who wants their wine mixed with chlorine!?!?

Fifteen weeks in and the “eating plan”, combined with the exercise and a healthy dose of Positive Mental Attitude are really working.  20lbs lost, BMI almost acceptable and clothes size reducing - it’s lovely being able to buy High Street clothes now from regular High Street shops.  The charity shops are going to benefit too – the pile of “Big Girl” clothing is ever-increasing:  when there’s a bag full, it’s going ……

I've not paid a penny to any slimming clubs this time round.  I wish I'd done this years ago - I'd have saved a fortune instead of giving it to Weight Watchers / Rosemary Conley / Slimming World (delete as applicable ...!)

If I can do it, anyone can!

PMA all the way!



  1. Cheryl,

    Well done on the new eating plan and exercise regime, I am sure you will do very well.

    I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager and only due to running and swimming, cmbined with a new eating plan I have just about managed to get to my ideal weight but it is still a constant daily battle.

    keep up the PMA and you will acheive your goals.


  2. Good for you Deevs! I am useless at exercising. I swim once a week about half a mile, which isn't much but it's all I have time for in my lunch hour. And I walk the dog twice a day, which involves a hill in spite of living in East Anglia. But that's about it. I know I should do more, but I find most forms of exercise boring and you really need to have the motivation to do it regularly. And it sounds like you have the motivation! So keep up the good work. And next time we meet I guess I'll be seeing a shadow of your former self... :-)


  3. Well Done lovely! I've been running and trampolining - been walking more where possible. Also cut down on eating junk.
