Saturday, 22 January 2011

Grumpy Old Woman ...?

As life guides me through me through my 40s, I’ve noticed that I’m not as patient as I used to be.  Daft little things set me off and wind me up for no reason whatsoever, things that not so many years ago would have washed over me unnoticed.
I’ve never really been a fan of driving.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad I can do it as it gives me independence to do my own thing, but other drivers’ manners, (or lack of them!) just makes me seethe.  You know the ones – they don’t feel the need to indicate at roundabouts as, naturally, we all know where they’re going, they never raise a hand in courtesy when you let them in or give way to them, and the worse culprit of all – the cigarette end being thrown out of the drivers’ window.  UGH!!!!
And don’t get me started on “Yoof Culture”.  What on earth are some parents thinking, letting their offspring out amongst the general public with their trousers hanging halfway round their bums and their pants on display for the world to admire?!?  Young girls, out on the town wearing next to nothing and 6” heels in the snow?  GET A COAT – or better still, stay in!!!!  And when I was a whipper-snapper I’m sure I couldn’t have afforded a top-of-the-range mobile phone either!
On the subject of phones, and their users, what makes these egotistical eejits think that I want to hear Tinie Tempah or N Dubz when I’m queuing in Tesco?  Surely you can live without this ear-shattering crap for the time it takes you to go into a shop?  Have you not heard of headphones?  If you feel the need to pollute the air and my ears, can you at least play The Smiths.  You might learn something from Mozza!
So, does this make me a Grumpy Old Woman, or just a bit of a Mardy Mare? 
Answers on a postcard please ……… x


  1. Morning Deev,I thought I saw Myself writing that ,No not grumpy ,unless we both are .haha!!
    Another thing that anoys me is being cut in front of ,and I see it everyday that I drive ,people using mobile phones whilst driving..but it's Oh no!!!not them that cause the accidents ,do they think that we were born yesterday or fell from a tree.
    Well if thats the case I'm quite happy to be known and called Grumpy.
    Have a nice day .{{hugs}}

  2. Bad drivers are one of my real bugbears too. Those people who stick impatiently to your back bumper when you're in the fast lane of the motorway clearly trying to overtake a slower vehicle. And the drivers that hog the middle lane doing about 55 mph. Also when one truck is trying to overtake another one, and the slower truck won't slow down, so you get the two going along in parallel, with a long stream of traffic behind them.

    And as a blonde in a convertible, I get quite a few "gestures" aimed at me. Which the first couple of times I found quite flattering. But now I just think "oh ffs, grow up!"


  3. Blimey Cheryl, it's as if you can you read my mind!!

    My patience has most definitely lessened as I've got older. I have a 40-minute drive to and from work everyday, along both dual carriageways and country roads, and the standard of driving never fails to astound me. Unfortunately, because I work at a university, I'm often in convoy with students, and their driving skills are lamentable - and that's being kind!

    Yesterday I was followed by a young girl who was more interested in her hair and make-up than she was about the distance between her car and mine. This meant that every time I braked (we were on a slow country road, with cyclists) it came as a complete surprise to her, and I was able to tell what colour her eye-shadow was, she was that close to my car!! I was a nervous wreck by the time I got to work!!

    Ho hum ..... I think I'm turning into one of those old women who shouts at children as they go past, he he.

  4. Yes, Deevs, YES!!! I'm in my 30s and agree with EVERYTHING you say!!! I hate that N-Dubz stuff; might as well just dance around a car alarm.

    A bit of consideration for others never does anyone any harm!

    You're not a Grumpy Old Woman OR a Mardy Mare; just a realist. That moment comes when you start on the "I remember when all this was just fields" as you shuffle along the queue to pick up your Tena-Lady pads... Fortunately, the land around me still is mostly just fields, so I might get away with it. As long as I tell the people that I'm buying the panty-pads for my friend Cheryl...
    Keep smiling!

    Roo xxx

  5. Oh join the club!

    I have found that my vocabulary has increased considerably too. Lots more 4 letter words!

    I could definately join the road rage fraternity!

    Grumpy Old Woman?


    Hell yeah!

  6. Oops, I'm one of the throwing the fag end out of the window people....

    My pet hate is the folk who drive so close behind you that you can't even see the front of their car in the rear-view mirror, when you're stuck bhind a queue of traffic!

    I drive most of my commute on country roads/lanes, and we often all get stuck behind a slower vehicle in a long line.

    And don't get me started about supermarkets!!!!!

  7. I agree with the music . . .and as for phones we was lucky when the old man got an Atari and then got an Atari 2600 :-D (oh those were the days) My daughter when she was growing up had my old cast off or failing that something else that i had laying around.

    someone mentioned lorries side by side and cloging up the road when trying to overtake. I agree but the real culprit is Europe in demanding that they have limiters (having said that) the speed limit on a dual cariageway for HGV's is 50mph so they should be able to get past . . only trouble is they don't "do" 50 they go up to the limiter (which is 55mph) so if you see one speeding report it (either to plod or the company transport manager) They're normally pretty keen on doing something as it's not good for their public image. I just hope this posts after spending an age typing it :-D

    Chin up Deev xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Oh im so with you on the idiot drivers, my other half dreads it when he lets someone into the lane of traffic and they dont say thank you, and to please him i've stoped using the 4 letter words to insult them and started calling them donuts, as during the trek to and from work my vocabulary was mostly 4 letter words ^^

  9. Counterring the road rage is the way forward. I've developed 3 methods which I'm sure the DVLA should add into the driving test:

    1) Sing out loud like a nut case, it's good for the soul and actually cheers up other people who see you.

    2) No matter how short (or urgent) the drive, let loads of people in (or out), and if (more likely when) they don't thank you, thank them! It surprises the hell out of them and in shame they usually reciprocate (hey they might even remember next time).

    3) See if you can get 10 "thank yous" on any journey. My commute is about 30 minutes and so far my record is 3 :)

    Good work on the blog, keep it up.


  10. My driving bug-bear is lights! There are those that absolutely MUST have their fog lights on when there isn't a whisp of mist let alone fog around and then the other end of the scale when you can barely see your hand in front of you and some tight fisted so & so is too mean to put his headlights on - or he will have side-lights that are so tiny they are hardly worth the effort. PUT YOUR LIGHTS ON you tight git! You won't wear the bulb out.

    Grumpies of the world unite!

  11. Heyya. .. This looks greeeeat! !

    Will keep reading and keep going Deevs xxxx

    billie xxx

  12. Does it make you feel better to know that the only skirt that I wore as a teenage that was higher than my knees was my kilt and that was because I wore it over jeans it was that short lol.

  13. Hans.

    I wore the mini skirt in the sixties. I had two tartan ones (not kilts though) one red and one green. Wore them with black polo neck jumpers. Thought I looked very cool!

    MM xxx
