Well, I feel a stint in the ranty pants coming on. A bit random, but a few minor irritations. Please feel free to add your own to the list …..
- Fresh fruit and veg: cucumbers/peppers etc really don’t need to be wrapped in cling film. Likewise, apples and bananas do not fall off the tree covered in stickers telling me what they are!
- To the skanky ones at work: can’t you read? The signs in the communal kitchen ask that you kindly clean up your crockery and cutlery after use. That’s not an invite to dump it into the sink until someone else gets so fed up looking at it, that they wash it up for you. Likewise, please leave the tea towels straight and stop nicking my coffee – buy your own!
- Recruitment Agencies: you promise the earth and then deliver nothing. You ring with “the ideal opportunity” for me, build me up and then close the door. Or you contact me with the most bizarre job openings for skills I do not possess. Did you read that CV you asked for?
- Recruiters in general: how on earth you can find it justifiable to leave an applicant hanging around for 3, 4, 5 weeks without any contact is beyond me. Surely, when you read my application you must have had an inkling as to whether I’m a yay, nay or maybe. Communication is a great tool. Use it!
- When you become a parent, do you lose your own identity? Why do people ring a radio station to warn the nation of a traffic hot-spot, only to go by the name of “Bens dad” or “Annies auntie”.
- The AmericaniZation of the English language. It’s not called the English language for fun y’know! Bloody Microsoft have got a lot to answer for.
And breathe ……..